Sneezing, scratchy throat, runny nose—everyone knows the first signs of a cold, probably the most common illness known. Although the common cold is usually mild, with symptoms lasting a week or less, it is a leading...
Introduction Treating Depression Clinical Trials References NCCAM Clearinghouse FDA’s Role How St. John’s Wort Works For More Information Drug Interaction Advisory Introduction St. John’s wort...
Q. What is vaginitis? A. Vaginitis (“vaj-in-i-tis”) is an inflammation of the vagina that causes vaginal discharge (fluid from the vagina), irritation, and itching. Many women with vaginitis also have...
Asthma is a chronic breathing disorder and is the most common chronic health problem among children. Children with asthma have attacks of coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, which may be very serious. These...
Overview Postural muscles become short when stressed (overused, misused or abused) and require gentle, safe stretching methods as a rule (yoga type) to normalise them plus reeducation as to elimination of causes...
A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of the eye. A normal lens is clear. It lets light pass to the back of the eye. A cataract blocks some of the light. As a cataract develops, it becomes harder for a person to see...
Q. What are eating disorders? A. Eating disorders are very unhealthy ways of eating that can lead to serious illness and death. Each year, millions of people in the United States suffer from eating disorders. Three of...
This list of frequently asked questions and answers on Viagra has been developed by CDER’s Drug Information Branch in response to the numerous telephone calls we have received. If you have other questions...
Q. What are uterine fibroids? A. Uterine fibroids are lumps of body cells and tissues that grow in the wall of the uterus (womb). The fibroids can grow alone or in groups. They may grow within the wall of the uterus...
A variety of signs may point to a possible mental health problem in a child or teenager. Some of them are listed below. If your child has experienced any of the WARNING SIGNS below, or if the symptoms are severe, seek...